‘In flight’ Responsible Mail mailings after 4 January 2022
Nov 12, 2021

As you are aware, our Responsible Mail service is being withdrawn on 4 January 2022.


We understand that customers may have some concerns about ‘inflight’ Responsible Mail mailings in process for a few days after 4 January and the additional administrative work that may be needed. In response to this for such cases, up until 11 January, we will accommodate such mailings to be processed on the existing Responsible Mail product codes, and you will not need to intercept such mailings and reupload as Advertising Mail. For the avoidance of doubt, such mailings will be charged at the prevailing Advertising Mail rates after 4 January.


Please note that once the Responsible Mail product codes are removed from our systems, any items you upload against those product codes will be rejected from DocketHUB and you will be asked to correct the errors via our daily exceptions process managed by DSACC.