Out of Specification Mailmark Non-Compliance

To support the efficient processing of mail, the Access Letters Contract (ALC) contains product specifications based on optimum operational process, the type and number of machine passes, and ensuring mailpack integrity is maintained.  These specifications have been designed in collaboration with the wider industry and go through a rigorous testing process prior to implementation.

Over the years we have worked with mail producers and Access customers to raise issues and offer support,  which has yielded some helpful developments, and in turn improved the quality of mailings. However there continues to be cases where mailing items are not presented in line with the declared product specification, requiring manual sortation or processing on an incorrect machine for the item’s actual specification.  Such mailings compromise the efficiency assumed in the product specification and price. An example of this is where an Mailmark Economy mailing is out of specification and has to be processed on our large letter automation. In this case, not only do we lose the benefits of walk sequencing, but also the capacity to defer the item in line with the Economy delivery window.

From 2 September 2024, mailing items which do not achieve the expected minimum read rate on the correct machine, and require manual sortation or processing on a different machine, will be investigated and we may apply the appropriate Access Charge for the service specification which those items do meet, in line with the terms of the ALC. 

We will be publishing a presentation on our website in due course which provides further details.

Please speak to your Account Director if you need any further clarification.