Supporting Broadband/Mobile or Banking Card products through the TIS Incentive

We are pleased to announce that from 30 September 2024 customers will be able to use our existing Testing and Innovation incentive (TIS) to support new direct mail activity to promote Broadband/Mobile or Banking Card products and services.

This use of the TIS incentive will provide customers with postage credits at a rate of 30% for incremental volume across October 2024 to March 2025.

To qualify, mailings must total a minimum of 250,000 incremental advertising mail items during the incentive period. The last posting date will be 28 March 2025. 

Customers must submit their applications for this incentive by 14 March 2025.


The TIS incentive terms and conditions, postage credit rates and a useful sales presenter can be found here.

If you have any questions please contact your Account Director.